List of days of the year

31 May - The beginning of Gawai Dayak


Gawai Dayak, also known simply as Gawai, is a festival celebrated by the Dayak people in Sarawak, Malaysia, and West Kalimantan, Indonesia. It marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of a new farming season. The festival typically begins on the evening of May 31 and continues into June 1.

Origins and Significance

  • Historical Background: Gawai Dayak was formally recognized as a public holiday in Sarawak in 1965. Before its official recognition, the Dayak people celebrated the harvest festival in various forms within their communities.
  • Cultural Importance: Gawai is a time for the Dayak people to give thanks for the bountiful harvest and to seek blessings for the coming year. It is also an occasion for socializing, renewing friendships, and reinforcing community bonds.

Celebrations and Traditions

  • Preparation: Preparations for Gawai begin well in advance with the brewing of traditional rice wine called tuak, cleaning and decorating longhouses, and preparing traditional foods.
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: The festival starts with a ritual called Muai Antu Rua, where spirits are cast away, followed by the offering of food and drink to deities and ancestors. The central ritual, known as miring, involves the blessing of rice wine and the sacrifice of a chicken.
  • Cultural Performances: Gawai includes traditional music, dance, and games. The ngajat dance, performed by men and women in traditional attire, is a highlight of the festivities.
  • Feasting and Visiting: A significant part of Gawai is the open house tradition, where families invite friends and relatives to their homes to share meals and celebrate together.

Modern Celebrations

  • Unity and Identity: Today, Gawai Dayak serves not only as a cultural and religious event but also as a symbol of Dayak identity and unity. It has become a time for the Dayak people to celebrate their rich cultural heritage and to showcase their traditions to a broader audience.
  • Public Celebrations: In urban areas, public celebrations and parades are organized, featuring cultural performances and exhibitions that highlight the Dayak culture and traditions.

Gawai Dayak is a vibrant and meaningful festival that encapsulates the spirit of gratitude, community, and cultural pride among the Dayak people of Sarawak and West Kalimantan.


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