List of days of the year

07 May - Sony is founded 1946


Sony Corporation, indeed, has its roots in Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering, which was founded on 07 May 1946, by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita in Tokyo, Japan. Initially, the company focused on the repair and manufacturing of telecommunications equipment. However, it later evolved into a multinational conglomerate known for its wide range of consumer electronics, entertainment products, and services.

Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering underwent a name change in 1958, becoming Sony Corporation. The name "Sony" was chosen for its ease of pronunciation in various languages and to symbolize the company's innovative spirit and vision for the future. Since then, Sony has grown into one of the world's largest and most recognizable electronics and entertainment companies, with a diverse portfolio that includes televisions, audio equipment, cameras, gaming consoles, music, movies, and much more.


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