List of days of the year

27 April - National Veterans' Day (Finland)


National Veterans' Day in Finland, also known as "Veteraanien Päivä" in Finnish, is observed on April 27th every year. This day is dedicated to honoring and remembering the veterans of the Finnish Defense Forces and paying tribute to their service and sacrifices.

National Veterans' Day holds particular significance in Finland due to the country's history of military conflicts and the contributions of its veterans in defending the nation's independence and sovereignty. The day is marked by various commemorative events, ceremonies, and gatherings across the country, where veterans are recognized and honored for their bravery, dedication, and resilience.

Finnish veterans include those who served in wars such as the Winter War (1939-1940), the Continuation War (1941-1944), and the Lapland War (1944-1945), as well as in peacekeeping missions and operations around the world.

National Veterans' Day serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving the memory of past sacrifices and ensuring that the contributions of veterans are never forgotten. It is also an opportunity for the Finnish people to express their gratitude and respect for those who have served their country.


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