List of days of the year

09 April - Operation Weserübung: Germany invades Denmark and Norway 1940


09 April 1940, marked the beginning of Operation Weserübung, a military campaign launched by Nazi Germany during World War II. This operation involved the simultaneous invasion of Denmark and Norway.

The invasion of Denmark was swift and relatively bloodless. German forces crossed the Danish border in the early hours of April 9th, quickly overwhelming Danish defenses. Denmark's resistance was limited, and the country surrendered later that day. The Danish government decided against mounting a significant defense against the invading German forces to avoid civilian casualties and destruction.

The invasion of Norway, however, was more challenging for the Germans. Despite initial Norwegian resistance, German forces were able to quickly gain control of key strategic locations and ports. The Norwegian government and royal family evacuated Oslo, and a significant portion of the Norwegian military retreated to northern Norway to continue resistance against the German invaders.

The invasion of Norway led to a protracted campaign and significant casualties on both sides. Despite facing fierce Norwegian and Allied resistance, German forces ultimately succeeded in occupying Norway, securing vital resources such as iron ore and ensuring control over important sea routes in the North Atlantic.

Operation Weserübung marked a significant escalation of Germany's military expansion in Europe and demonstrated its willingness to violate the neutrality of neighboring countries to further its strategic goals during World War I

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