List of days of the year

23 March - Patrick Henry delivers his famous speech where he says “give me liberty or give me death!” in 1775


On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry, a prominent figure in the American Revolution and a delegate to the Second Virginia Convention, delivered his famous speech in Richmond, Virginia. In this speech, Henry passionately argued in favor of taking up arms against the British Empire, urging his fellow colonists to prepare for war against British rule. One of the most memorable lines from his speech is: "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Henry's speech was a rallying cry for American independence and played a significant role in inspiring colonists to support the cause of revolution. His words became iconic and are often quoted in discussions about freedom and the struggle for independence. Henry's speech helped galvanize public opinion in favor of revolution and ultimately contributed to the decision to pursue independence from British rule.

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