List of days of the year

05 February - Kashmir Solidarity Day (Pakistan)


Kashmir Solidarity Day, observed on February 5th every year, is a national holiday in Pakistan that expresses solidarity with the people of Kashmir. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about the long-standing Kashmir conflict and advocating for the rights of the Kashmiri people.

The Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan dates back to the partition of British India in 1947. The region of Jammu and Kashmir, with a Muslim majority population, became a point of contention between the two countries. Over the years, there have been conflicts, wars, and ongoing tensions over the control of Kashmir.

On Kashmir Solidarity Day, Pakistanis, and particularly those in government, hold events, rallies, and seminars to show their support for the people of Kashmir. The day is marked by speeches, discussions, and demonstrations highlighting the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination and drawing attention to alleged human rights violations in the region.

Additionally, the day serves as a platform for Pakistan to call for international intervention and diplomatic efforts to address the Kashmir issue. It is also an occasion for Pakistan to reiterate its commitment to the rights of the Kashmiri people and to emphasize the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

It's important to note that perspectives on the Kashmir issue can vary, and different parties involved may have different viewpoints on how to resolve the long-standing dispute.


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