List of days of the year

21 January - Squirrel Appreciation Day


Squirrel Appreciation Day is observed on January 21 each year. This day is dedicated to appreciating and celebrating squirrels, those small, bushy-tailed rodents that are often found in parks, gardens, and forests.

The holiday was created by wildlife rehabilitator Christy Hargrove in 2001. Its purpose is to raise awareness about the importance of squirrels in the ecosystem and to encourage people to enjoy and observe these creatures in their natural habitats. Squirrels play a role in seed dispersal and can be entertaining to watch with their acrobatic antics.

People celebrate Squirrel Appreciation Day in various ways, such as by providing food for squirrels, learning more about different squirrel species, and simply taking the time to observe and appreciate these agile and resourceful animals. It's a lighthearted and fun occasion for those who enjoy wildlife and want to acknowledge the presence of these furry critters in their surroundings.

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