List of days of the year

20 January - Johannes V. Jensen birth anniversary


Johannes Vilhelm Jensen (1873–1950) was a Danish author, essayist, and Nobel laureate in Literature. He was born on 20 January 1873, in Farsø, Denmark, and he passed away on 25 November 1950. Jensen's works spanned various genres, including novels, poetry, essays, and plays. He is particularly known for his modernist writings and his exploration of evolution, philosophy, and the relationship between humanity and nature.

Johannes V. Jensen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1944. The Nobel Committee recognized him for his comprehensive and artistic works, which contributed to the renewal of Danish literature. His notable works include the "Myter" (Myths) cycle, a series of novels that explores the development of human culture and society.

Apart from his literary pursuits, Jensen had an interest in science, philosophy, and the natural world. His intellectual curiosity is reflected in his diverse body of work. Jensen's influence extends beyond literature, as he engaged with broader cultural and intellectual discussions of his time.

It's important to note that while Johannes V. Jensen's contributions to Danish literature and his Nobel Prize win are well-established, individual perspectives on his work may vary, and the appreciation of his writings can depend on personal tastes and literary preferences.


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