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12 January - ST. ALOYSIUS COLLEGE CHAPEL PAINTINGS postage stamp issued


The Centenary of Paintings in St. Aloysius College Chapel in Mangalore, India, is a significant milestone commemorating the completion of 100 years since the installation of the iconic paintings in the college chapel. St. Aloysius College, also known as St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), is a renowned educational institution located in Mangalore, Karnataka.

The chapel of St. Aloysius College is famous for its exquisite interior, adorned with stunning murals and paintings that depict various scenes from the life of Jesus Christ and other biblical events. These paintings were created by the renowned Italian Jesuit artist Antonio Moscheni, who worked on the project from 1899 to 1908.

The chapel's interior, particularly the intricately painted ceilings and walls, is considered a masterpiece of art and a fine example of the Italian fresco style. The artwork in the chapel is a blend of European Renaissance and Baroque styles, and it showcases the exceptional talent and artistic brilliance of Antonio Moscheni.

The Centenary of Paintings is a momentous occasion for St. Aloysius College, as it marks the celebration of this artistic legacy and the cultural heritage of the chapel. The event might involve various commemorative activities, exhibitions, seminars, and cultural programs to honor the artistic contributions of Antonio Moscheni and to showcase the beauty of the chapel's interior to the public.

The chapel and its paintings are not only of great significance to the college but also to the local community and art enthusiasts. They serve as a valuable cultural treasure, attracting visitors from far and wide who come to witness the breathtaking artwork and experience the spiritual ambiance of the chapel.

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