List of days of the year

13 December - Sailor's Day Brazil


"Sailor's Day" in Brazil, known as "Dia do Marinheiro" in Portuguese, is celebrated annually on December 13. This day is dedicated to honoring and paying tribute to the Brazilian Navy and its personnel. It is a day to recognize the contributions and sacrifices of sailors in safeguarding maritime interests, protecting the country's coastline, and ensuring maritime security.

The date holds historical significance as it commemorates the birthday of Joaquim Marques Lisboa, the Marquis of TamandarĂ©, who was a distinguished Brazilian naval officer and a key figure in the history of the Brazilian Navy. The Marquis of TamandarĂ© is celebrated for his leadership during the Paraguayan War (1864–1870) and his contributions to the development and modernization of the Brazilian Navy.

On Sailor's Day, various events, ceremonies, and activities are organized by the Brazilian Navy to honor sailors, both past and present. This may include parades, religious services, and other commemorative events held across the country. It is a day for the nation to express gratitude to the naval forces for their service and commitment to maritime defense.

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