List of days of the year

19 November - World Citizen Day


World Citizen Day is an annual celebration observed on November 19th of every year. Being a citizen of the world makes a closer bonding with people of different cultures, religions, races, and locations. It makes every citizen of the world know every other citizen of the world in the better way possible. The day is celebrated to provide a chance for the people to understand and recognize different kinds of people and their actions.

Learn to know about the different sections of the world and the people living, their customs, tradition, language, religion, race, and more. Encourage people around you to let them think that the whole world is one. It is the sole duty of every citizen to know about the importance of integration, unity, and brotherhood. Make people understand that humanity and human bonding are the ones that unite all of us. Share your celebrations and thoughts on social media using the hashtag #WorldCitizenDay.

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