List of days of the year

09 November - International Week of Science and Peace (09 November - 15 November)


International Week of Science and Peace is celebrated annually from November 09 to 15. It was first observed in 1986 as part of the observance of the International Year of Peace. The week was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1988 to promote the role of science in the quest for peace and development.

The week’s observance carries several layers of significance:

  • Promoting Science for Sustainable Development: IWOSP emphasizes the importance of science in achieving sustainable development goals. Science provides innovative solutions to address critical environmental and social issues, ensuring a healthier and more equitable planet.
  • Enhancing International Collaboration: IWOSP fosters collaboration among scientists from diverse backgrounds, encouraging them to share knowledge and expertise to tackle shared challenges. This cross-border collaboration is essential for addressing global issues that transcend national boundaries.
  • Inspiring Future Generations: IWOSP serves as a catalyst for inspiring young people to pursue careers in science and technology. By showcasing the impact of science, the week ignites curiosity and encourages the next generation of scientists to make a positive impact on the world.
  • Promoting Public Understanding of Science: IWOSP engages the public with science, bridging the gap between scientific research and everyday life. It encourages public participation in science discussions and promotes science literacy.
  • Highlighting Science’s Role in Peacebuilding: IWOSP underscores the role of science in fostering peace and preventing conflicts. Scientific evidence can inform decision-making, promote dialogue, and build trust among nations.
 Overall, the International Week of Science and Peace serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of science in creating a more peaceful, sustainable, and prosperous world for all. It is a call to action for scientists, policymakers, and the global community to harness the power of science for the betterment of humanity.

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