List of days of the year

13 October - World Egg Day


World Egg Day is an annual event celebrated on the second Friday in October. It is a day dedicated to promoting and celebrating the nutritional and culinary benefits of eggs. The event was established by the International Egg Commission (IEC) and has been observed since 1996.

World Egg Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of eggs as a nutritious and versatile food source. Eggs are known for being a high-quality protein source, and they contain essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B12, D, and folate, as well as minerals like iron and selenium. They are also a source of healthy fats, and their protein content makes them a valuable part of many diets.

The day is marked by various activities and events around the world, including educational programs, cooking demonstrations, and campaigns to promote the health benefits of eggs. It serves as an opportunity for the egg industry, health organizations, and culinary enthusiasts to come together and celebrate the role of eggs in our diets.

World Egg Day is a way to highlight the versatility of eggs in cooking, from breakfast dishes like omelets and scrambled eggs to baked goods and savory dishes in various cuisines. It's also a reminder of the important role that eggs play in providing nutrition to people globally.

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