List of days of the year

01 October - The International Day of Older Persons


The International Day of Older Persons is observed on October 1st each year. This day was designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1990 to raise awareness about issues affecting older individuals and to recognize the contributions they make to society.

 The International Day of Older Persons aims to promote:

  1. Respect and dignity for older persons: It emphasizes the importance of treating older individuals with respect, recognizing their wisdom, and valuing their experiences.

  2. Social inclusion: This day highlights the need to ensure that older persons are not excluded from social and community activities. It advocates for the creation of inclusive societies where people of all ages can participate fully.

  3. Health and well-being: It focuses on the health and well-being of older individuals, addressing issues such as access to healthcare, nutrition, and fitness.

  4. Combating ageism: The day aims to challenge ageism and stereotypes associated with aging, promoting a more positive and inclusive view of older persons.

  5. Sustainable development: It underscores the role of older persons in achieving sustainable development goals and highlights the importance of their contributions to society and the economy.

Each year, the International Day of Older Persons has a specific theme or focus, which can vary from year to year. It provides an opportunity for governments, organizations, and individuals to come together to address the challenges faced by older persons and to celebrate their achievements and contributions.

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