List of days of the year

07 June - Union Dissolution Day Norway


One significant event is the dissolution of the union between Norway and Sweden, which took place on June 7, 1905. This event marked the end of the Swedish-Norwegian Union, which had been established in 1814. Following a peaceful process, the Norwegian parliament, the Storting, declared the dissolution of the union, asserting Norway's independence and the restoration of full sovereignty.

The dissolution of the union was a result of increasing tensions and disagreements between Norway and Sweden, as well as a growing desire for Norwegian autonomy and self-governance. The Norwegian independence movement gained momentum, leading to a referendum in which an overwhelming majority of Norwegians voted in favor of dissolving the union.

June 7th, 1905, holds historical significance as the day when Norway reclaimed its independence and became a separate sovereign nation. While it is not officially designated as a national holiday or Union Dissolution Day, the dissolution of the union is recognized and remembered as an important milestone in Norwegian history.

It's worth noting that Norway celebrates its National Day, Independence Day, on May 17th each year, which commemorates the signing of the Norwegian Constitution in 1814 rather than the dissolution of the union with Sweden in 1905.


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