List of days of the year

21 May - International Tea Day


International Tea Day is observed annually on May 21st. It was established by the United Nations in 2019 to recognize and promote the cultural, economic, and health benefits of tea.

Tea has been enjoyed for centuries and is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. It has cultural significance in many countries and is known for its calming and refreshing properties. International Tea Day aims to highlight the importance of tea in promoting sustainable agriculture, rural development, and supporting small-scale tea growers and workers.

On this day, various events and activities are organized worldwide to celebrate tea and its global impact. These may include tea tasting sessions, tea ceremonies, seminars on the health benefits of tea, cultural performances, and exhibitions showcasing different tea varieties and traditions.

International Tea Day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the tea industry's challenges, such as fair trade practices, labor rights, and environmental sustainability. It also encourages individuals to explore and appreciate the diverse flavors and cultural aspects of tea from different regions around the world.

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