List of days of the year

02 May - John Carew Eccles death anniversary


John Carew Eccles (27 January 1903 – 2 May 1997) was an Australian neurophysiologist who made significant contributions to the understanding of the synapse and the functioning of the nervous system. He won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the synapse.

His research focused on the synapse, the tiny gap between two nerve cells where chemical signals are transmitted. He was able to show that the synapse was not a passive structure but an active one that could amplify or inhibit signals. Eccles’ work revolutionized the field of neuroscience and laid the groundwork for much of the research that followed. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1963, along with Andrew Huxley and Alan Hodgkin, for their work on the ionic mechanisms of nerve cells.

He died on 2 May 1997, in Switzerland.

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