List of days of the year

15 April - RMS Titanic sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean


April 15th marks the anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, one of the deadliest maritime disasters in history. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic Ocean during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. The ship, which was considered unsinkable, had insufficient lifeboats for all passengers and crew, leading to a significant loss of life.

The sinking of the Titanic resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 people, making it one of the deadliest commercial peacetime maritime disasters in modern history. The tragedy led to widespread changes in maritime safety regulations, including the implementation of stricter safety standards, the requirement for ships to carry enough lifeboats for all passengers and crew, and the establishment of an international ice patrol to monitor iceberg danger in the North Atlantic.

The sinking of the Titanic continues to be remembered and commemorated each year on April 15th through various memorial events, ceremonies, and remembrances around the world.


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