List of days of the year

22 August - The International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief


The International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief is observed annually on August 22nd. This day serves as a solemn reminder of the grave impact that violence and discrimination based on religion or belief can have on individuals, communities, and societies.

Religious and belief-based violence remains a significant global concern, leading to suffering, displacement, and loss of life. This International Day seeks to honor and remember those who have been victims of such violence while also highlighting the urgent need for tolerance, respect, and understanding among diverse religious and belief systems.

The observance of this day encourages nations, organizations, and individuals to raise awareness about the importance of upholding freedom of religion or belief and ensuring that everyone can practice their faith without fear of violence or persecution. It also calls for solidarity with those affected by religiously motivated violence and a commitment to promoting interfaith dialogue and mutual respect.


22 August - World Folklore Day


World Folklore Day, observed on August 22nd, is a global celebration that honors the rich tapestry of cultural traditions, stories, and practices passed down through generations. This day recognizes the significance of folklore in preserving the unique identity of communities around the world.

Folklore encompasses a wide range of traditions, including myths, legends, fairy tales, folk songs, dances, rituals, and oral histories. These stories and practices often reflect the values, beliefs, and customs of various cultures and communities. Folklore serves as a vital link between the past and the present, fostering a sense of continuity and connection among generations.

On World Folklore Day, people come together to celebrate their cultural heritage and the diversity of human creativity. Festivals, performances, workshops, and storytelling sessions are organized to share and appreciate the beauty and significance of folklore. This day encourages the preservation of traditional knowledge and the recognition of its contribution to the world's cultural mosaic.

By celebrating World Folklore Day, individuals and communities pay homage to their roots and honor the artistry of their ancestors. It's a reminder that every story told, every dance performed, and every song sung is a piece of a larger global narrative that binds humanity together. This day invites everyone to explore, learn from, and appreciate the cultural treasures that enrich our lives.


22 August - Raymonde de Laroche birth anniversary


Raymonde de Laroche, born on 22 August 1882, was a French aviator and the first woman in the world to receive a pilot's license. Her birth name was Elise Raymonde Deroche, and she later adopted the professional name Raymonde de Laroche.

Raymonde de Laroche initially gained fame as an actress before developing an interest in aviation. Inspired by the achievements of early aviators, she began taking flying lessons in 1909. On 08 March 1910, she earned her pilot's license from the Aero-Club of France, becoming the first woman to do so. Her license was number 36 issued by the organization.

Raymonde de Laroche's accomplishments in aviation contributed significantly to breaking gender barriers in a field predominantly occupied by men at the time. She continued to be involved in aviation, participating in airshows and competitions. Unfortunately, her aviation career came to a tragic end when she died in an airplane accident on 18 July 1919, during a test flight. Despite her untimely death, Raymonde de Laroche's pioneering efforts paved the way for future generations of women in aviation.

22 August - Sobha Singh death anniversary


Sobha Singh, born on 29 November 1901, in Sri Hargobindpur, Punjab, India, was a prominent Indian painter known for his iconic depictions of Sikh gurus and Sikh history. His artistry went beyond mere visuals; it reflected a deep spiritual connection and reverence for Sikhism's values and traditions.

Sobha Singh's artistic journey began at a young age, driven by an innate talent for portraying the human form with exquisite detail and emotion. He honed his skills at the Mayo School of Art in Lahore and later studied under the guidance of renowned artists. However, it was his encounter with the teachings of Sikhism that ignited his lifelong commitment to capturing the essence of Sikh spirituality on canvas.

One of Sobha Singh's most famous works is the painting of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism. His portrayal of Guru Nanak Dev Ji captures the spiritual serenity and wisdom associated with the revered figure. This painting, among others, resonated deeply with both Sikhs and art enthusiasts, making Sobha Singh a household name.

Sobha Singh's artistic expressions extended beyond Guru Nanak Dev Ji to other Sikh gurus, historical events, and cultural scenes. His works not only depicted historical narratives but also conveyed the ethical and moral values embedded within Sikhism. His ability to evoke emotions through his art made him a significant figure in India's art scene.

His legacy lives on through the Sobha Singh Art Gallery in Andretta, Himachal Pradesh, which houses a collection of his artworks. These works continue to inspire generations by encapsulating the spirituality, courage, and resilience that characterize Sikh history and culture.

Sobha Singh passed away on August 22, 1986.

21 August - Raj Bahadur birth anniversary


Raj Bahadur born on 21 August 1912, he was the leader of the Indian National Congress, who was elected a member of the Constituent Assembly of India from the state of Rajasthan. After independence, he became the first tourism minister of India.


21 August - P. Jeevanandham birth anniversary


P. Jeevanandham (21 August 1907 – 18 January 1963) also called Jeeva, was a social reformer, political leader, litterateur and one of the pioneers of the Communist and socialist movements in the state of Tamil Nadu, India.

He was not only a socio-political leader, but was also a cultural theoretician, an excellent orator, journalist and critic; and above all, a relentless fighter for the deprived. A down-to-earth person with a clean record in public life, Jeevanandham was held in high esteem by ordinary people. 

21 August - The Wildlife Protection Act was passed


On 21st August 1972, the Wildlife Protection Act was passed. This act was later implemented on 9th September 1972.

The Wildlife Protection Act of India was passed in 1972. This legislation, officially known as "The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972," is a crucial legal framework that aims to protect and conserve the country's diverse wildlife and their habitats. The act was enacted by the Government of India to address the alarming decline in wildlife populations due to habitat destruction, poaching, and other threats.

Key provisions of the Wildlife Protection Act include:

  1. Prohibition of Hunting: The act prohibits hunting of certain species of animals and birds, unless permitted under specific circumstances, such as scientific research or management purposes.

  2. Protected Areas: The act empowers the government to declare certain areas as wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, and other protected areas. These designations provide legal protection to the flora and fauna within these areas.

  3. Regulation of Trade: The act regulates the trade in wildlife and wildlife products, making it illegal to trade in endangered or protected species without appropriate permits.

  4. Conservation Authorities: The act establishes various authorities at the national and state levels to oversee wildlife conservation efforts and enforce the provisions of the act.

  5. Penalties and Punishments: The act imposes penalties and punishments for offenses related to hunting, poaching, illegal trade, and other violations. These penalties can include fines and imprisonment.

  6. Amendment and Enforcement: Over the years, the act has been amended to strengthen its provisions and address emerging challenges to wildlife conservation.

The Wildlife Protection Act of India has played a significant role in the conservation of the country's biodiversity and the protection of endangered species. It has contributed to the establishment and management of numerous protected areas, as well as efforts to combat poaching and illegal wildlife trade.


21 August - The famous painting "Mona Lisa" was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris, France


On August 21, 1911, the famous painting "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The theft of the painting caused a significant sensation and captured worldwide attention.

The theft was carried out by an Italian handyman named Vincenzo Peruggia, who had previously worked at the Louvre. Peruggia managed to hide inside the museum overnight and then took advantage of the fact that the museum was closed on Mondays. He removed the painting from its display and concealed it under his clothing.

Peruggia's motive for stealing the painting was rooted in his belief that the "Mona Lisa" should be returned to Italy. He viewed it as a national treasure that had been wrongfully taken by France. He intended to bring the painting back to Italy and present it to an Italian museum.

The theft remained a mystery for over two years until Peruggia was apprehended in 1913 when he attempted to sell the stolen painting to an art dealer in Florence, Italy. The "Mona Lisa" was subsequently returned to the Louvre and remains one of the most iconic and valuable artworks in the world.

The theft of the "Mona Lisa" and its eventual recovery only added to the painting's mystique and fame, solidifying its status as a cultural and artistic masterpiece.

20 August - Benjamin Harrison birth anniversary


Benjamin Harrison, born on 20 August 1833, in North Bend, Ohio, was an American statesman and the 23rd President of the United States. Here are key points about Benjamin Harrison:

  1. Family Background: Benjamin Harrison came from a prominent political family; his grandfather, William Henry Harrison, was the ninth President of the United States.

  2. Education and Military Service: Harrison studied law at Miami University and worked as a lawyer. During the Civil War, he served in the Union Army, eventually attaining the rank of brigadier general.

  3. Political Career: Harrison entered politics after the war and served as the reporter for the Indiana Supreme Court. He was later elected as a U.S. Senator from Indiana, serving from 1881 to 1887.

  4. Presidential Election of 1888: In 1888, Benjamin Harrison, a Republican, won the presidential election against the incumbent, Grover Cleveland. Harrison lost the popular vote but won in the Electoral College.

  5. Sherman Antitrust Act: During his presidency, Harrison signed the Sherman Antitrust Act into law in 1890. The act aimed to curb monopolistic business practices and promote fair competition.

  6. McKinley Tariff: Harrison also signed the McKinley Tariff Act in 1890, which raised tariffs on imported goods. The legislation was intended to protect American industries but contributed to the economic downturn.

  7. Election of 1892: Harrison sought re-election in 1892 but lost to Grover Cleveland in a rematch of their previous contest.

  8. Later Years: After leaving the presidency, Harrison returned to his law practice. He remained active in Republican politics and supported the U.S. entry into World War I.

  9. Death: Benjamin Harrison passed away on 13 March 1901, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

  10. Legacy: Harrison's presidency is often associated with economic issues, including tariff policies and antitrust measures. His tenure marked a transitional period in American politics as the country grappled with industrialization and economic challenges.

Benjamin Harrison's contributions to American law and politics, along with his military service during the Civil War, are notable aspects of his legacy. Despite his accomplishments, Harrison is often overshadowed by the more prominent presidencies of the late 19th century.

20 August - Yellowstone Fires of 1988 know as “Black Saturday"


One of the most notable fire events occurred in 1988, commonly known as the "Yellowstone Fires of 1988."

During the summer of 1988, multiple fires ignited and spread across the park due to a combination of factors, including drought, dry conditions, and lightning strikes. These fires eventually merged into large and intense wildfires. The fires burned through a significant portion of the park's landscape, including forests and grasslands.

The exact number of acres destroyed can vary based on the specific sources and timeframes considered, but it is widely reported that more than 793,000 acres (approximately 36% of the park's total area) were affected by the fires in 1988. The fires prompted a significant response effort involving firefighting teams from various agencies.

The 1988 Yellowstone fires had ecological impacts and led to discussions about fire management policies in national parks. Despite the destruction caused by the fires, they also played a role in natural regeneration and ecosystem renewal. Over time, the park's landscape has shown signs of recovery, with new growth and ecological changes taking place.

On the most significant single day, Saturday, August 20th, to be known thereafter as “Black Saturday,” tremendous winds pushed fire across more than 150,000 acres.