List of days of the year

30 May - National Creativity Day


National Creativity Day is celebrated annually on May 30th. Established to honor and encourage the creative spirit in everyone, this day is dedicated to embracing and showcasing creativity in all its forms. Whether it’s through art, music, writing, dance, cooking, or any other creative endeavor, National Creativity Day invites people to explore their imaginations and express themselves. It’s a perfect occasion for artists, inventors, innovators, and dreamers to share their work, start a new project, or simply appreciate the creative talents of others. The day serves as a reminder that creativity is a valuable and enriching part of life, contributing to personal well-being and cultural vitality.

30 May - International Hug Your Cat Day


International Hug Your Cat Day is celebrated annually on 30 May. This delightful day encourages cat owners and cat lovers around the world to show extra affection to their feline friends. Hug Your Cat Day is a time to appreciate the companionship and joy that cats bring into our lives. It's an opportunity to shower them with love and attention, whether through gentle hugs, cuddles, or playtime. The day also serves as a reminder to ensure that our cats are well cared for, healthy, and happy. So, if you have a cat, take some time on 30 May to give them an extra hug and let them know how much they mean to you.


30 May - National E-Bike Day


National E-Bike Day is an unofficial celebration that promotes the use of electric bicycles (e-bikes) as a sustainable, healthy, and efficient mode of transportation. While there isn't a universally recognized date for National E-Bike Day, various organizations and communities may choose to celebrate it at different times throughout the year to raise awareness about the benefits of e-bikes. These benefits include reduced carbon emissions, decreased traffic congestion, and improved personal health. Events on National E-Bike Day might include group rides, e-bike demonstrations, safety workshops, and promotional discounts from e-bike retailers. The day serves as an opportunity to encourage more people to consider e-bikes as a viable transportation option.

30 may - Boris Leonidovich Pasternak death anniversary


Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, a distinguished Russian poet, novelist, and literary translator, was born on February 10, 1890, in Moscow, Russia. He is best known for his novel "Doctor Zhivago," which brought him international acclaim and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1958, although he was compelled to decline the prize due to pressure from the Soviet authorities. Pasternak's work is celebrated for its rich lyrical quality and profound exploration of human emotion and political turmoil. He passed away on May 30, 1960, in Peredelkino, near Moscow, leaving an indelible mark on Russian literature.

30 May - Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén birth anniversary

Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén, a renowned Swedish physicist and electrical engineer, was born on May 30, 1908, in Norrköping, Sweden. He made significant contributions to the field of plasma physics and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970 for his work on magnetohydrodynamics. Alfvén's groundbreaking research on the behavior of electrically conducting fluids and the concept of Alfvén waves has had a lasting impact on space physics and astrophysics. He passed away on April 2, 1995, in Djursholm, Sweden, leaving behind a legacy of scientific innovation and discovery.

30 May - Indian arrival day in Trinidad and Tobago


Indian Arrival Day is an important commemorative holiday in Trinidad and Tobago, as well as in other countries with significant Indo-Caribbean populations. It is celebrated on May 30th each year. Indian Arrival Day marks the arrival of the first indentured laborers from India to Trinidad and Tobago in 1845. These laborers were brought to the country to work on sugar plantations, following the abolition of slavery.

The arrival of these indentured laborers had a profound impact on the cultural, social, and economic landscape of Trinidad and Tobago. The descendants of these laborers have made significant contributions to the country and have played a vital role in shaping its multicultural society.

Indian Arrival Day is observed with various cultural events, including music, dance, food, and parades. It serves as a reminder of the historical and cultural ties between India and Trinidad and Tobago and highlights the contributions of the Indo-Trinidadian and Tobagonian community to the nation's diversity and heritage. It's a day to celebrate and honor the Indian heritage and the cultural diversity of the country.

30 May - Goa Statehood Day



Goa Statehood Day is celebrated on May 30th each year to commemorate the day when Goa was officially recognized as a full-fledged state of India. On May 30, 1987, Goa became the 25th state of the Indian Union, marking the culmination of a long struggle for statehood.

Before its statehood, Goa was a union territory, administered directly by the central government of India. The demand for statehood had been a significant political issue in Goa since its liberation from Portuguese colonial rule in 1961. The residents of Goa sought full statehood to have more autonomy and decision-making power in governing their region.

Goa's journey to statehood was marked by a series of protests, demonstrations, and political movements. Finally, after years of persistent efforts by the people and their leaders, the Government of India passed the Goa, Daman, and Diu Reorganization Act in 1987, leading to the formation of the state of Goa.

Goa Statehood Day is celebrated with various events and festivities across the state. Cultural programs, parades, exhibitions, and competitions are organized to showcase the rich heritage, traditions, and achievements of Goa. The day is an occasion for Goans to reflect on their cultural identity, history, and the progress made since attaining statehood.

It is worth noting that Goa had a unique history as a former Portuguese colony, which significantly influenced its culture, architecture, and cuisine. Today, Goa is renowned as a popular tourist destination, known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant festivals, and diverse cultural heritage.


30 May - Ziaur Rahman death anniversary


Ziaur Rahman (1936-1981) was a prominent Bangladeshi military officer and politician. He served as the seventh President of Bangladesh from 1977 until his assassination in 1981. Ziaur Rahman played a significant role in the politics of Bangladesh and had a lasting impact on the country's history.

Born on January 19, 1936, in Bogra district, in what was then British India (now Bangladesh), Ziaur Rahman joined the Pakistan Army in 1953. He fought in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 and the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. During the liberation war, he was appointed the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Bangladesh Forces, and after the war, he joined the Bangladesh Army.

Ziaur Rahman became involved in politics during the 1970s when Bangladesh was under military rule. In 1975, he participated in a successful coup that removed the then-President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from power. Ziaur Rahman played a crucial role in forming the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and became its chairman.

In 1977, Ziaur Rahman assumed the presidency after winning a controversial election. As President, he focused on stabilizing the country, rebuilding the war-ravaged economy, and restoring civilian rule. He implemented various policies to promote economic development, including agricultural reforms and encouraging foreign investment. Ziaur Rahman also sought to consolidate his political position by creating a loyal base of support.

However, Ziaur Rahman's presidency was marked by political turmoil and internal divisions. He faced opposition from various groups, including left-wing political parties and factions within the military. Despite these challenges, he introduced several constitutional amendments, including the controversial Fifth Amendment, which granted immunity to the assassins of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Tragically, Ziaur Rahman's presidency was cut short when he was assassinated on May 30, 1981, in an attempted coup. His assassination plunged the country into further political instability and set off a series of events that shaped Bangladesh's political landscape in the subsequent years.


29 May - Oak Apple Day or Restoration Day (United Kingdom)


Restoration Day, also known as Oak Apple Day or Royal Oak Day, is a historical holiday in England, Wales, and Ireland. It commemorates the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, when Charles II returned to the throne after the English Civil War and the period of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. The holiday is traditionally observed on May 29th, the anniversary of Charles II's birthday and his entry into London in 1660.

Key Points about Restoration Day (Oak Apple Day):

  1. Historical Significance:

    • Restoration of the Monarchy: The day marks the end of the republican Commonwealth and the restoration of the monarchy with Charles II's return to power.
    • Symbolism: The "oak apple" refers to the Royal Oak tree in which Charles II hid to escape the Roundheads after the Battle of Worcester in 1651. The tree became a symbol of his survival and eventual restoration.
  2. Traditional Celebrations:

    • Wearing Oak Leaves: People would traditionally wear sprigs of oak leaves or oak apples (galls) to commemorate Charles II's escape.
    • Decorations: Homes, public buildings, and churches were often decorated with oak branches.
    • Festivities: Various local customs included parades, feasts, and sometimes mock battles or re-enactments of historical events.
  3. Decline and Modern Observances:

    • Decline: The observance of Oak Apple Day declined after the 19th century and is no longer an official public holiday.
    • Modern Celebrations: Some communities and historical societies still observe the day with events such as reenactments, wearing oak leaves, and educational programs about the historical significance of the Restoration.
  4. Related Customs:

    • Royal Oak: Many pubs and inns named "Royal Oak" commemorate the day, and this name is one of the most common pub names in England.
    • Annual Events: Certain places, such as Great Wishford in Wiltshire, still hold annual events to mark the day. For instance, villagers gather oak branches in Grovely Wood and present them to the local church.

How to Observe Restoration Day Today:

  • Learn and Share: Read about the history of the English Civil War, the Commonwealth, and the Restoration, and share this knowledge with others.
  • Visit Historical Sites: Explore places significant to the Restoration period, such as Worcester or the Boscobel House and the Royal Oak tree.
  • Join Local Events: Participate in or attend any local events or reenactments that commemorate Oak Apple Day.
  • Support Historical Societies: Engage with historical societies that preserve and promote the history of this period through events, publications, and education.

Restoration Day, with its rich historical context and unique traditions, offers a fascinating glimpse into a transformative period in British history. While it is no longer widely celebrated, it remains an important cultural and historical reference point.

29 May - The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers


The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, also known as the UN Peacekeepers' Day, is observed annually on May 29th. It is a day designated by the United Nations to honor the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve in United Nations peacekeeping operations around the world.

The day aims to pay tribute to the professionalism, dedication, and bravery of the peacekeepers and to honor those who have lost their lives in the line of duty. It also provides an opportunity to recognize the contributions of military, police, and civilian personnel from various countries who work together under the UN flag to promote peace, stability, and security in conflict-affected regions.

The United Nations peacekeeping operations are deployed in areas where armed conflicts have occurred or where the potential for conflict remains high. Peacekeepers are deployed to help countries torn by conflict to create conditions for lasting peace. They undertake a range of activities such as monitoring ceasefires, facilitating political processes, protecting civilians, promoting human rights, and supporting the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers is marked by various commemorative events and ceremonies held at UN headquarters in New York and in peacekeeping missions worldwide. These events often include wreath-laying ceremonies, medal ceremonies to honor fallen peacekeepers, discussions on peacekeeping-related topics, and recognition of outstanding service by peacekeepers.

The day serves as a reminder of the significant contributions made by UN peacekeepers and highlights the ongoing challenges faced by peacekeeping missions in promoting peace and stability in conflict-affected regions. It also reaffirms the commitment of the international community to supporting peacekeeping efforts and underscores the importance of collective action in maintaining global peace and security.