List of days of the year

15 June - International Surfing Day


International Surfing Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday in June, uniting surfers and ocean enthusiasts worldwide in a shared appreciation of the sport and the coastal environments that make it possible. Established in 2005 by the Surfrider Foundation and Surfing Magazine, this day is dedicated to both the joy of surfing and the preservation of marine ecosystems. Participants across the globe engage in a variety of activities, from beach cleanups and educational workshops to surf contests and community gatherings, all aimed at promoting ocean conservation and sustainable practices. International Surfing Day serves as a reminder of the intrinsic connection between surfers and the health of our oceans, encouraging a collective effort to protect these vital natural resources for future generations.

15 June - The Day of Arafah


The Day of Arafah is an important event in the Islamic calendar, observed on the 9th day of the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah. It is considered one of the most significant days for Muslims, particularly for those performing the Hajj pilgrimage. Here are the key aspects of the Day of Arafah:


  1. Hajj Pilgrimage: The Day of Arafah is a pivotal part of the Hajj pilgrimage. Pilgrims gather on the Plain of Arafat, a vast open area near Mecca, from noon to sunset. Standing at Arafat (Wuquf) is regarded as the climax of Hajj.
  2. Day of Forgiveness: It is a day of repentance and seeking Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. It is believed that sins are forgiven on this day for those who sincerely repent.
  3. Fasting: For Muslims not performing Hajj, it is highly recommended to fast on the Day of Arafah. Fasting on this day is believed to expiate the sins of the previous year and the coming year.

Rituals for Pilgrims:

  1. Wuquf (Standing): Pilgrims stand in prayer and supplication at Arafat from noon until sunset. This act symbolizes the waiting for the Day of Judgment.
  2. Prayers and Supplications: Pilgrims engage in continuous prayers, reading of the Qur'an, and personal supplications, asking for forgiveness and mercy.
  3. Sermon: An important sermon (Khutbah) is delivered from the Namirah Mosque in Arafat, addressing the pilgrims.

Observance by Non-Pilgrims:

  1. Fasting: Non-pilgrims fast from dawn to sunset, seeking the spiritual benefits and blessings associated with this day.
  2. Prayers and Acts of Worship: Extra prayers, reading the Qur'an, making Duas (supplications), and engaging in other acts of worship are encouraged.
  3. Charity and Good Deeds: Many Muslims increase their acts of charity and good deeds on this day, seeking to maximize their rewards.

Historical Background:

  • Prophet Muhammad’s Farewell Sermon: The Day of Arafah is also remembered for the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Farewell Sermon, delivered during his final Hajj in 632 CE. In this sermon, he emphasized equality, justice, and moral conduct.

Importance in Islamic Belief:

  • Forgiveness and Mercy: It is widely believed that Allah’s mercy and forgiveness are abundantly granted on this day. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated that there is no day on which Allah frees more people from the Hellfire than the Day of Arafah.
  • Completion of Faith: The day also commemorates the completion of the religion of Islam, as it was on this day that the verse from the Qur'an (Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:3) was revealed, proclaiming the perfection of the religion and the completion of Allah’s favor upon Muslims.

The Day of Arafah stands as a profound day of reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal for Muslims worldwide, marking a significant point in the Islamic year and the Hajj pilgrimage.

15 June - World Juggling Day


World Juggling Day is celebrated annually on the Saturday closest to June 17th. The event is organized by the International Jugglers' Association (IJA) to celebrate and promote the art and skill of juggling. Here are some key points about World Juggling Day:


  • Celebration of Juggling: The day is dedicated to celebrating juggling as a performing art and recreational activity, recognizing the skills and creativity of jugglers worldwide.
  • Promotion: It aims to promote juggling as a fun and beneficial activity that can enhance coordination, concentration, and physical fitness.


  • Juggling Events: Enthusiasts organize various events such as juggling performances, workshops, and competitions. These events can take place in public spaces, schools, community centers, and online.
  • Social Media: Jugglers share their skills and experiences on social media using hashtags like #WorldJugglingDay to connect with a global community and inspire others to take up juggling.
  • Learning Opportunities: Workshops and tutorials are often provided for beginners who want to learn how to juggle, fostering an inclusive environment for people of all ages and skill levels.


  • International Jugglers' Association (IJA): Founded in 1947, the IJA is one of the leading organizations dedicated to the promotion and preservation of juggling. World Juggling Day was established to celebrate the IJA's anniversary and to bring the juggling community together.
  • Annual Celebration: The day has been celebrated for many years, growing in popularity as more people discover the joys and benefits of juggling.

Benefits of Juggling:

  • Physical Exercise: Juggling is a form of physical exercise that can improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and overall fitness.
  • Mental Stimulation: It challenges the brain, improving focus, concentration, and problem-solving skills.
  • Stress Relief: Juggling can be a relaxing and meditative activity, providing a break from daily stresses.

How to Participate:

  • Join or Host an Event: Look for local juggling events or consider hosting your own. Events can be as simple as a small gathering in a park or as elaborate as a public performance.
  • Learn to Juggle: Use online resources, tutorials, and local workshops to learn the basics of juggling or improve your skills.
  • Share Your Skills: Participate in online communities, share videos and photos of your juggling on social media, and connect with other jugglers around the world.

World Juggling Day is a fun and inclusive celebration that highlights the joy of juggling and encourages people to explore this engaging activity.

15 June - Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov birth anniversary


Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov (1921-1992) was a Soviet physician and orthopedic surgeon renowned for developing the Ilizarov apparatus, a revolutionary method for lengthening and reshaping bones, treating complex fractures, and addressing various orthopedic conditions. His work has had a profound impact on orthopedic surgery and limb reconstruction.

Early Life and Education:

  • Birth: Gavriil Ilizarov was born on June 15, 1921, in the village of Bialowieza, which was then part of Poland and is now in Belarus.
  • Education: He graduated from the Crimean Medical School in 1944 and subsequently specialized in orthopedics and traumatology.

The Ilizarov Apparatus:

  • Development: In the 1950s, while working in the Kurgan region of Siberia, Ilizarov invented the Ilizarov apparatus, an external fixation device used to lengthen or reshape limb bones, heal fractures, and treat bone defects. The device consists of a series of rings connected by rods and wires that can be adjusted to gradually change the position of bone segments.
  • Principle: The technique is based on the principle of distraction osteogenesis, where the bone is cut and gradually separated, allowing new bone tissue to grow in the gap.

Impact on Medicine:

  • Orthopedic Surgery: Ilizarov's method revolutionized orthopedic surgery, offering solutions for complex fractures, congenital deformities, limb length discrepancies, and non-unions that were previously difficult or impossible to treat.
  • Global Influence: Despite initial skepticism, the Ilizarov method gained worldwide recognition and has been adopted by orthopedic surgeons globally. It is especially valuable in trauma surgery, reconstructive surgery, and in treating conditions such as osteomyelitis.

Career and Recognition:

  • Professional Roles: Ilizarov founded the Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics in Kurgan, which became a leading institution for orthopedic research and training.
  • Awards: He received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to medicine, including the Lenin Prize and the Order of Lenin.
  • Publications: Ilizarov published extensively on his methods and findings, contributing significantly to the scientific literature in orthopedics.


  • Innovative Techniques: The Ilizarov technique remains a cornerstone in orthopedic surgery and has inspired further advancements in the field.
  • Enduring Influence: Gavriil Ilizarov's work continues to impact the treatment of orthopedic conditions, improving the quality of life for countless patients worldwide.

Gavriil Ilizarov is remembered as a pioneering surgeon whose innovative approach to bone treatment has left a lasting legacy in medical science.

15 June - The first successful know human blood transfusion was performed in 1667


The first successful human blood transfusion was performed on June 15, 1667, by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys, a French physician to King Louis XIV. Dr. Denys transfused the blood of a sheep into a 15-year-old boy, successfully treating him without immediate adverse effects. This pioneering procedure marked the beginning of the study and practice of blood transfusion, though it was fraught with ethical and medical challenges in its early stages.

Key Points:

  1. Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys: Denys was a prominent French physician known for his innovative approaches to medical treatments.

  2. The Procedure: Denys transfused the blood of a sheep into a human patient, which was a highly experimental and risky procedure at the time. The boy, who had been weakened by severe blood loss, showed temporary improvement after the transfusion.

  3. Early Transfusions: Early blood transfusions often involved animal blood, leading to numerous complications and fatalities. The lack of knowledge about blood types and compatibility made these procedures highly dangerous.

  4. Scientific and Ethical Challenges: The practice of transfusing animal blood into humans was met with significant ethical and scientific criticism. It led to legal restrictions and a temporary halt in further experimentation in some regions.

  5. Advancements: It wasn't until the discovery of blood groups by Karl Landsteiner in 1901 and the development of blood typing and crossmatching techniques that blood transfusion became a safer and more effective medical practice.


  • Modern Blood Transfusion: Today, blood transfusion is a routine and life-saving medical procedure, made safe by rigorous testing, blood typing, and matching protocols.
  • Medical Milestone: Dr. Denys' early experiment, despite its crude methodology and associated risks, paved the way for significant advancements in hematology and transfusion medicine.

The historical significance of the first human blood transfusion highlights the evolution of medical science and the importance of continued research and ethical consideration in medical practices.

15 June - The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is founded.


The Great Smoky Mountains National Park was officially established on 15 June 1934. Located on the border between North Carolina and Tennessee in the United States, the park is renowned for its biodiversity, ancient mountains, and well-preserved Southern Appalachian culture.

Key Features and Facts:

  • Biodiversity: The park is home to a wide variety of plant and animal life, including over 19,000 documented species. It is known for its deciduous forests and diverse ecosystems.

  • Scenic Beauty: The park features stunning landscapes, including lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and panoramic mountain views. The mist or "smoke" that often hovers over the mountains gives the park its name.

  • Cultural Heritage: The Great Smoky Mountains National Park preserves numerous historic buildings and structures, including old homes, barns, churches, and grist mills, reflecting the cultural history of the Southern Appalachians.

  • Recreation: It is one of the most visited national parks in the United States, offering activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, and wildlife viewing. The park has more than 800 miles of hiking trails, including a segment of the Appalachian Trail.


  • The establishment of the park was the result of a grassroots effort by local citizens, state and federal governments, and private donors. The land was acquired through a combination of federal funds, donations, and contributions from individuals and organizations, including a significant donation from John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park remains a beloved natural treasure, attracting millions of visitors each year who come to experience its natural beauty and rich cultural history.

15 June - Rishi Valley School establishment day in 1926



Rishi Valley School is an educational institution located in the rural setting of Rishi Valley in Andhra Pradesh, India. The school was founded by the philosopher and educationist Jiddu Krishnamurti in 1926. Krishnamurti envisioned a school that would focus on holistic education, nurturing the intellectual, emotional, and physical aspects of a child's development. Rishi Valley School is affiliated with the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) and offers education from kindergarten to the 12th grade.

The establishment day of Rishi Valley School is celebrated on June 15th each year. On this day, the school community often comes together to commemorate the founding of the institution and reflect on its educational philosophy. The school has gained recognition for its alternative and progressive approach to education, emphasizing self-discovery, critical thinking, and a deep connection with nature.

15 June - Pratap College Srinagar postage stamp issued in 2006


The Department of Posts issued a postage stamp to commemorate 100 years of Sri Pratap College, Srinagar on 15 June 2006

Pratap College located in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, India. It is one of the oldest and most reputed colleges in the region, with a rich history of providing quality education to students.

Pratap College was established in 1905 and is affiliated with the University of Kashmir. The college offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in arts, science, and commerce.

The institution is known for its academic excellence, experienced faculty, and modern facilities, providing a conducive environment for students to excel in their chosen fields of study.

Pratap College, Srinagar, has played a significant role in the educational and cultural development of the region. It has produced numerous distinguished alumni who have excelled in various fields, including academics, literature, arts, and politics.

The college campus serves as a center for intellectual discussions, cultural events, and extracurricular activities, enriching the overall college experience for its students.

14 June - National New Mexico Day (United States)


National New Mexico Day in the United States is observed annually on 14 June to celebrate the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of the state of New Mexico. Here's a detailed look at the significance and celebrations surrounding this day:

Historical and Cultural Significance

  1. Native American Heritage:

    • New Mexico has a deep and enduring history with Native American tribes, particularly the Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache peoples who have inhabited the region for thousands of years.
    • The state is home to several ancient Puebloan archaeological sites, such as Chaco Canyon and Bandelier National Monument, which showcase the rich cultural heritage of these indigenous communities.
  2. Spanish Colonization:

    • In the 16th century, Spanish explorers and settlers, including Francisco Vásquez de Coronado and Juan de Oñate, began to establish settlements in the region.
    • Spanish influence is evident in New Mexico's architecture, art, cuisine, and traditions, blending with Native American customs to create a unique cultural fusion.
  3. Statehood and Expansion:

    • New Mexico became the 47th state of the United States on January 6, 1912,
    • Its statehood marked a new chapter in its history, integrating its rich cultural diversity into the fabric of American society while preserving its distinct traditions and heritage.

Natural Beauty and Geography

  1. Diverse Landscapes:

    • New Mexico is renowned for its diverse landscapes, including vast deserts, mesas, mountains, and lush forests.
    • Iconic natural landmarks such as the Rio Grande Gorge, Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands National Park, and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains attract visitors from around the world.
  2. Outdoor Recreation:

    • The state offers abundant opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts, including hiking, skiing, rafting, and hot air ballooning, taking advantage of its varied terrain and favorable climate.

Cultural Contributions

  1. Arts and Crafts:

    • New Mexico is a haven for artists, artisans, and craftsmen, known for its vibrant art scene, particularly in traditional crafts like pottery, weaving, and jewelry-making.
    • The state's distinctive artistic traditions reflect its multicultural heritage and are celebrated in local galleries, museums, and festivals.
  2. Cuisine:

    • New Mexico cuisine is renowned for its spicy and flavorful dishes, often featuring green and red chile peppers grown locally.
    • Traditional New Mexican cuisine includes dishes such as green chile stew, enchiladas, and sopapillas, reflecting a blend of Native American, Spanish, and Mexican culinary influences.

Celebrations of National New Mexico Day

  1. Community Events:

    • On National New Mexico Day, communities across the state organize festivities, parades, cultural performances, and art exhibitions to showcase New Mexico's heritage and achievements.
    • Local businesses may offer special promotions or discounts on New Mexican products and services, encouraging residents and visitors alike to participate in the celebrations.
  2. Education and Awareness:

    • Schools and educational institutions use the day to educate students about the history, geography, and cultural significance of New Mexico, promoting pride in the state's heritage among younger generations.
    • Historical societies and museums may host lectures, tours, and exhibitions focusing on pivotal events and figures in New Mexico's history.

14 June - Harriet Beecher Stowe birth annivarsary


Harriet Beecher Stowe, born on 14 June 1811, in Litchfield, Connecticut, was an American author and abolitionist renowned for her influential novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin." This seminal work, published in 1852, brought the harsh realities of slavery to the forefront of American consciousness, fueling the abolitionist movement and intensifying sectional conflict that eventually led to the Civil War. Stowe's poignant storytelling and moral fervor made her a powerful voice against slavery, earning her widespread acclaim and significant historical impact. She continued to write and advocate for social reforms throughout her life. Harriet Beecher Stowe passed away on 01 July 1896, in Hartford, Connecticut, leaving behind a legacy as a key figure in American literature and social justice.