List of days of the year

11 June - Brazilian Navy commemorative day (Brazil)


Captain James Cook, the renowned British explorer and navigator, is credited with the European discovery of the eastern coast of Australia in 1770. During his first voyage of discovery, commissioned by the British Admiralty and the Royal Society, Cook commanded the HMS Endeavour. His primary mission was to observe the transit of Venus across the sun from Tahiti, but he was also tasked with exploring the southern continent, known as Terra Australis Incognita.

After completing the astronomical observations in Tahiti, Cook set sail westward and reached the eastern coast of Australia on April 19, 1770. He made landfall at what is now known as Botany Bay, near modern-day Sydney, on April 29, 1770. Cook and his crew, including the botanists Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander, spent eight days exploring the area, documenting its flora and fauna, and interacting with the Indigenous peoples.

Cook's detailed maps and reports of the eastern coastline and his exploration of the Great Barrier Reef were pivotal. His voyage provided significant information that contributed to the British decision to establish a penal colony in Australia, leading to the First Fleet's arrival in 1788 and the subsequent colonization of the continent.

Captain Cook's discovery of Australia marked a crucial moment in the history of European exploration and had profound implications for the Indigenous populations, leading to dramatic changes in their way of life. Cook's voyages are remembered for their scientific contributions and their impact on the global understanding of the world's geography.

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