List of days of the year

25 May - World Thyroid Day



World Thyroid Day is observed on May 25 to raise awareness about this crucial gland in the body. Thyroid disease is the generic term for medical conditions that do not allow the thyroid gland to produce a sufficient amount of hormones. Several health organizations, physicians, and clinics conduct presentations and educational seminars to mark the holiday. The aim is to create awareness and get people talking about thyroid conditions, their causes, and the available treatment options. World Thyroid Day also educates the public about the thyroid’s significance in terms of our general wellness.

The image on the stamp is from Switzerland Medicine Famous thyroid Doctor Theodor Kocher

25 May - Rash Behari Bose birth anniversary


Rash Behari Bose (25 May 1886 – 21 January 1945), an Indian revolutionary who played an important role in the organization of ‘Gadar’ and ‘Azad Hind Fauj’ against British rule. He not only within the country but also in other countries conducted revolutionary activities against the British government and tried to bring freedom to India. Rash Behari Bose planned to bomb Delhi’s then Viceroy of India, Lord Charles Harding, planned the Ghadar, went to Japan, and established the Indian Independence League and later the Azad Hind Fauj. Although his efforts to liberate the country were not successful, his role in the freedom struggle of the country was important. He was born on 25 May 1886 in Village–Subaldaha, Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, India.

25 May - USA celebrates National Tap Dance Day


United States celebrates National Tap Dance Day on May 25th each year. National Tap Dance Day was designated by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on November 7, 1989, to honor the art form of tap dance and its cultural significance.

National Tap Dance Day celebrates the rich history and contributions of tap dance to American performing arts. It also serves as a tribute to legendary tap dancers such as Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, Fred Astaire, and Gene Kelly, who helped popularize and elevate tap dance to a prominent art form.

On National Tap Dance Day, various events and activities are organized across the country to showcase the beauty, creativity, and rhythm of tap dance. Dance schools, studios, and performance venues may hold special performances, workshops, or masterclasses to promote and preserve the art of tap dancing. Additionally, dance enthusiasts and professionals often come together to share their passion for tap dance through social media, videos, and community gatherings.

National Tap Dance Day serves as an opportunity to recognize the cultural heritage and influence of tap dance, as well as its enduring popularity as a form of artistic expression. It highlights the joy, precision, and rhythmic complexity that define this unique dance style and encourages people of all ages to appreciate and participate in tap dancing.

25 May - Sunil Dutt death anniversary


Sunil Dutt (6 June 1929 – 25 May 2005), a famous film actor and politician. He was educated at Jai Hind College in Mumbai. He started his career as an announcer in Radio Ceylon. Radio Ceylon is the oldest radio station in South Asia. Dutt Saheb became extremely popular as an announcer. He had a lot of interest in acting. He soon made a mark in this area. His first film was Railway Station which was made in 1955 and the film Mother India (1957) was a big hit. This film made him a Bollywood star. He acted in more than 50 films and produced and directed many films. He died on 25 May 2005 in the Jhelum district of undivided Punjab. 


Sunil Dutt Private Special Cover released  in 2019 on occasion of his birth anniversary.

25 May - Towel Day


Towel Day is an annual celebration observed by fans of the late British author Douglas Adams. It takes place on May 25th each year, two weeks after Adams' death on May 11, 2001. The significance of Towel Day stems from Adams' famous science fiction series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," in which he humorously describes the towel as "the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have."

In "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," Adams explains the importance of carrying a towel when traveling through space. The towel serves various purposes, such as providing warmth, acting as a makeshift sail, and generally being a useful tool for a hitchhiker. As a tribute to Adams and his beloved work, fans of the series carry towels with them on Towel Day to show their appreciation and solidarity.

Towel Day is celebrated worldwide through various means. Fans may participate in events, gatherings, or conventions centered around "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." They also share their towel-related stories, photos, and artwork on social media platforms to commemorate the day. It has become a way for fans to connect, share their love for the series, and remember Douglas Adams' unique wit and imagination.

Towel Day is not only a celebration of Adams' work but also a way to honor his contribution to science fiction literature. It serves as a reminder of the impact his writing had on readers, inspiring them to explore the universe with a touch of humor and philosophical reflection.

So, on Towel Day, fans and enthusiasts of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" carry their towels proudly, paying homage to Douglas Adams and the extraordinary world he created.

25 May - Jack Steinberger birth anniversary


Jack Steinberger was a German-American physicist who was born on May 25, 1921, in Bad Kissingen, Germany, and passed away on December 12, 2020, in Geneva, Switzerland. He was known for his significant contributions to the field of particle physics, particularly his involvement in the discovery of the muon neutrino and his research on weak interactions.

Steinberger fled Nazi Germany with his family in 1934 and eventually settled in the United States. He earned his bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Chicago in 1942. During World War II, he worked on the Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos Laboratory, where he contributed to the development of the atomic bomb.

After the war, Steinberger pursued a career in physics. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1948 and went on to conduct research at various institutions, including Columbia University and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland.

One of Steinberger's most notable achievements came in the 1960s when he, along with Leon M. Lederman and Melvin Schwartz, conducted experiments at Brookhaven National Laboratory that led to the discovery of the muon neutrino. Their research demonstrated the existence of a second type of neutrino particle, which was previously unknown. This discovery earned them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988.

25 May - Pieter Zeeman birth anniversary


Pieter Zeeman was a Dutch physicist who was born on May 25, 1865, in Zonnemaire, Netherlands, and died on October 9, 1943, in Amsterdam. He is best known for his discovery of the Zeeman effect, which provided experimental evidence for the existence of atomic electron spin and had significant implications for the field of atomic physics.

In 1896, while working in the laboratory of Hendrik Lorentz at the University of Leiden, Zeeman observed that the spectral lines of a sodium flame split into multiple components when subjected to a strong magnetic field. This phenomenon became known as the Zeeman effect. It provided evidence that the energy levels of atoms were influenced by the presence of a magnetic field and that the electrons within atoms possessed a property called spin.

Zeeman's discovery of the Zeeman effect had a profound impact on the understanding of atomic structure and the development of quantum mechanics. It confirmed the existence of discrete energy levels in atoms and provided a basis for the further exploration of electron behavior within magnetic fields. For his work, Pieter Zeeman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1902.


25 May - Krushna Chandra Gajapati death anniversary


Krushna Chandra Gajapati KCIE (26 April 1892 – 25 May 1974), also known as Captain Maharaja Sri Sri Sri Krushna Chandra Gajapati Narayana Deva KCIE, was a key personality and regarded as the architect, founding father of an Independent Odia Language speaking state Odisha. He was a scion of Paralakhemundi Estate (then Ganjam district of Odisha and Srikakulam taluk of Andhrapradesh) and the owner of Delanga estate of Puri district of Odisha. His family belonged to the great Eastern Ganga Dynasty. He was the first Prime Minister of Orissa. The present-day Gajapati District of Odisha was named after him.

24 May - Benares was officially renamed Varanasi in 1956


Benares was officially renamed Varanasi. 

The renaming of Benares to Varanasi took place on 24 May 1956. Varanasi is a city located on the banks of the River Ganges in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It holds immense religious and cultural significance in Hinduism and is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.

The name "Varanasi" has ancient roots and is derived from the names Varuna, the Hindu god of water, and Assi, the name of a nearby river. The change in name was part of a broader movement in post-independence India to restore the traditional names of cities and regions that had been anglicized during the British colonial period.

By adopting the name Varanasi, the city reconnected with its historical and cultural heritage, as it had been referred to by that name for centuries. The renaming also aimed to reinforce the city's identity and cultural roots, reflecting the sentiments of the local population.

Today, Varanasi continues to be a major pilgrimage site for Hindus and attracts visitors from around the world who come to experience its sacred temples, ghats (steps leading down to the river), and vibrant spiritual atmosphere. The name Varanasi is widely recognized and used to refer to the city both within India and internationally.


24 May - Queen Victoria birth anniversary


Queen Victoria, whose full name was Alexandrina Victoria, was born on May 24, 1819, in Kensington Palace, London, England. She became the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on June 20, 1837, and reigned until her death on January 22, 1901. Queen Victoria's reign, known as the Victorian era, was the longest of any British monarch and was characterized by significant political, social, and industrial changes.

During her reign, the British Empire expanded significantly, reaching its zenith, with territories across the globe. Queen Victoria's reign witnessed the Industrial Revolution, which transformed Britain into the world's leading industrial and economic power. This period also saw major advances in science, technology, and medicine.

Queen Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, on February 10, 1840. They had nine children, who married into various European royal families, earning Queen Victoria the nickname "the grandmother of Europe." The death of her husband, Prince Albert, in 1861 deeply affected Queen Victoria, and she entered a period of mourning that lasted for many years.

Queen Victoria's reign had a profound impact on British society. She embodied the values of morality, duty, and family, and her image as a devoted wife and mother became synonymous with the ideals of the time. The Victorian era was characterized by a strict code of conduct and social etiquette, as well as a revival of traditional values and customs.

Queen Victoria's popularity waned somewhat in the later years of her reign, as public sentiment shifted towards more liberal and progressive ideas. However, she remained a respected and influential figure until her death. After her passing, her son, Edward VII, succeeded her as the king.

Queen Victoria's legacy is still felt today. The Victorian era left an indelible mark on British architecture, literature, fashion, and cultural norms. She was the last British monarch of the House of Hanover and the first of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which later became the House of Windsor. Her reign marked the transition of Britain from an agrarian society to an industrial powerhouse and played a significant role in shaping the modern world.