Indian Civil Aviation is completing 100 years .The year 2011-12 will be declared as the Civil Aviation Centenary Year, starting from tomorrow i.e. 18th February, 2011 and ending on the same date in 2012. On this date in 1911, the first commercial plane flew in India between Allahabad and Naini. Since then, aviation in India has grown from strength to strength. Today India is the 9th largest civil aviation market in the world and this forward march is likely to culminate in India becoming one of the three largest markets in the world by 2020.
To commemorate the occasion, the centenary celebrations will be inaugurated by the Minister for Civil Aviation Shri Vayalar Ravi tomorrow. On the occasion several eminent people who have contributed significantly to the growth of Civil Aviation in India will be felicitated. They include Rajiv Gandhi, JRD Tata, Sarla Thukral, Arjan Singh, Air Marshal Aspy Merwan Engineer, Biju Patnaik, Neeraj Bhanot, Capt. Rakesh Sharma, Saudamini Deshmukh and Vijaypat Singhania.
To mark the beginning of the centenary year, all buildings, installations associated with civil aviation are going to be lit up tomorrow. All airlines, airports will display the centenary logo in all possible manner, like on tickets, boarding cards, luggage tags, arrival ,departure area etc.
A special programme to felicitate pioneer women aviators will be organized on the international womens' day on 8th march. Throughout the year several other events have been planned which include release of a commemorative stamp, commemorative coins and establishment of an Air and Space Theme Park or Museum.